Friday, December 20, 2013

Why Death Never Affected Me.

 Good evening everyone and welcome to this blog once again. Today, i will be sharing with you guys why loosing a loved one never affected me, so pls sit back and read. Bless

In life they say you dont know what you have until you loose it and i definitely stand by that. I am an only son, who loved his father so much before he kicked the bucket.

My father was a great soul and a very hard working man, he always loved us with so much passion. Before my father died, i had a dream of him being  killed and we prayed so much to avoid it but God's wish was for him to come and join them on heaven.

If anyone had to told me that i will able to live after seeing by dad being shot by armed robbers, i would have said the person was senseless. Anyways, the death of my father did not kill me or affect me because of my faith in my father's words. My father always said "Remember that there is tomorrow" and i always stood by that.

Even though the people i love always labeled me Useless and more, i still stood by faith in christ and the love of God. Everyone wont love you, like you,praise you but what you need to know is that No one defines you or gives you life.

Please if you ever read this, let the death of loved ones not put you away from God or your life, always remember there is tomorrow and that we need to live to see what it holds for us. Thanks for reading

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