Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rather Die Alone Than With Fake Peoplr

Hello wonderful ppl!! It's been a while since I was here but like I said, this is a blog for my personal thoughts and what bothers me and what I hope for you to learn... (I no be teacher sha lol) 

So a few days back, I asked my self this question " How many real friends do I have "?? And then u started thinking but then I couldn't answer it... The truth is that we really don't know what friends mean! 

Let me a share a quick story with you all... Before my father died he had a lot of friends but immediately he died the so called friends left him , insulted his family and forgot everything he did for them.. So I ask you is that what u call friends ?? 

Friends are the ones who stay with you through thick and thin, fight with you, advice you and give u support!... I'm always going to say this " I'd rather die alone than die having fake friends"...  

Thanks for reading ! Hope you alone 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Why Death Never Affected Me.

 Good evening everyone and welcome to this blog once again. Today, i will be sharing with you guys why loosing a loved one never affected me, so pls sit back and read. Bless

In life they say you dont know what you have until you loose it and i definitely stand by that. I am an only son, who loved his father so much before he kicked the bucket.

My father was a great soul and a very hard working man, he always loved us with so much passion. Before my father died, i had a dream of him being  killed and we prayed so much to avoid it but God's wish was for him to come and join them on heaven.

If anyone had to told me that i will able to live after seeing by dad being shot by armed robbers, i would have said the person was senseless. Anyways, the death of my father did not kill me or affect me because of my faith in my father's words. My father always said "Remember that there is tomorrow" and i always stood by that.

Even though the people i love always labeled me Useless and more, i still stood by faith in christ and the love of God. Everyone wont love you, like you,praise you but what you need to know is that No one defines you or gives you life.

Please if you ever read this, let the death of loved ones not put you away from God or your life, always remember there is tomorrow and that we need to live to see what it holds for us. Thanks for reading

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Would You Fight Or Watch??

Hello Naija, its once again your home boy, i hope you all had a good night rest and i also hope you woke up well?...Well, i am sure you did because God sees you all...

So, Like i said in my first post, I am going to be sharing my thoughts through life and fun with you all, always feel free to comment.....Now today, i decided to ask you all a question which is, Would you fight or would you Watch????.......Let tell you all a lil thing to brace Y'all up today before you answer the question

Three years ago, i almost lost my sister to an accident, which in place left we the family prayerful and hopeful....... All our so called family members from my father's side cared less,The doctors said she wasnt going to survive and that are legs were damaged!! but we didnt stop praying, we changed three different hospitals, all we had was God and our Mouths to pray to him.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

When the going, gets tough!

Hello, sit down and relax.

So, I chose that headline because I have something related to that to share to you all....

Apparently, being an only son, is suppose to make all responsibilities fall on you and that's what I have been thinking all my life.. Loosing your dad doesn't kill but makes you stronger( I am not saying you have to loose someone to get stronger oh) 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Inlaws and their wahala

All these our African inlaws especially Nigerian inlaws have wahala plenty oh! Chai 

Lemme give you people small gist!, So when my father died, all his brothers and sisters (Igbo) started telling us about properties blah blah blah! And how they would share motors/cars Lol 

But ! We stood to the ground and maintained out stand! Now why I'm telling you this, is not to bore your soul but to tell you to always have your stand on whatever you do! , because nobody knows what tomorrow would offer us !! .. God/Allah bless y'all! 

E nu go/ sho ti gbo?( have you heard) ! Please oh I am Igbo and I don't/ didn't mean to insult Igbo inlaws in this post oh, All I did was share my experience..... ( I used to think all this inlaws wahala happens only in home videos lol chai) 

Crazy bitch of the Day!

Aww! So you came back to read! Una too much ;) thanks for reading! 

So everyday we have our crazy bitch of the day, now please don't mistake or take the word "bitch" in a bad way! We are only following our slogan ! U knw now ! "Lets craze|be crazy" 
   With that said, Today's crazy bitch is no other than the beautiful "Emma Nyra" ....... Yeah she gorgeous but too artificial don't you think so ? 

Pals and boo's I seriously need your opinion oh! And the best you can do is comment with it..... Sha ! Emma is our crazy bitch "because she's artificial and also boring" !!.... Feel free to argue or agree with me my lovelies and my padi's 

We are Africans Louder Lol! Abeg don't mind my stubborn head! "I no dey hear word"- (I don't listen) lol 

Friday, November 15, 2013

A start up with a crazy mind

Hello NAIJA !!! 
  Well, it's me your home boy and NAIJA crazy mind !!! Hehe relax!!!! Let me land before your crucify me Lol..

So let me take you guys a lil bit down my trail.... So, about 5 years ago, this young and vibrant soul lost his dad to armed robbers and it really distablized me, only because I knew it was going to be hard on my mum and sisters being the only boy... 

But guess what ?, we survived!!  A lot of people thought it was going to be the end of the world for us!, little did they know my mum was hard working and extremely focus!! Adding to the great children she has...  

Well my personal blog would tell and take you through my mind and thoughts and life.... We have a lot to learn stick with me !! 
I hope didn't bore you guys oh lol.... Thanks :)