Wednesday, November 27, 2013

When the going, gets tough!

Hello, sit down and relax.

So, I chose that headline because I have something related to that to share to you all....

Apparently, being an only son, is suppose to make all responsibilities fall on you and that's what I have been thinking all my life.. Loosing your dad doesn't kill but makes you stronger( I am not saying you have to loose someone to get stronger oh) 

Well, let me not bore you and go straight to the point..... Now, life is a struggle for both the young and old!! , when everything goes wrong and bad, who do we turn to? But the answer isn't far fetched because there is only one person and that is "God"

We can't all be born with a sliver/golden spoons but what we can do is to be strong, hardworking and meet up with this bitch called "life"

Now, I may not be the oldest to give you all any advice but my experiences should go a long way to help you all...  I always thought life is wicked and that no one can live in it after my father died , everything changed!! , My mother single handedly saw all her 3 children through Sec sch and all our fees where paid !, She is not the richest but I know she's hardworking and so are we, the children...

Before you leave this post, think about two things, Where would you be if things turn bad/ what would become things go wrong? !! Always remember where you are coming from, where you are going to and your purpose...

Have a good day my people and thanks for reading!! Remember, when the going gets tough, all we need to do is fight back with life.. 

Where there is life, there is hope!!! Nothing is impossible so long its under the sun

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