Friday, November 15, 2013

A start up with a crazy mind

Hello NAIJA !!! 
  Well, it's me your home boy and NAIJA crazy mind !!! Hehe relax!!!! Let me land before your crucify me Lol..

So let me take you guys a lil bit down my trail.... So, about 5 years ago, this young and vibrant soul lost his dad to armed robbers and it really distablized me, only because I knew it was going to be hard on my mum and sisters being the only boy... 

But guess what ?, we survived!!  A lot of people thought it was going to be the end of the world for us!, little did they know my mum was hard working and extremely focus!! Adding to the great children she has...  

Well my personal blog would tell and take you through my mind and thoughts and life.... We have a lot to learn stick with me !! 
I hope didn't bore you guys oh lol.... Thanks :)